Quitting smoking
Quitting smoking is easier with the right support and you can begin to see almost immediate improvements to your health. There are large range of services and options to support and help you succeed.
Below is a list of options online, on the phone and in person to help you start your journey in becoming smoke free.
Smokefree Hampshire is our local, free, and confidential stop smoking service. Their website can help you get started with advice and important information around:
- Giving up
- Smoking during pregnancy
- The cost of smoking
- How to self-refer to the service and much more.
You can use the this form to request support to stop smoking with Smokefree Hampshire. They also offer clinics in the following areas of the borough:
• Hayling Island Community Centre
• Waterlooville Library
• Horizon Wellbeing Hub, Meridian Centre, Havant
• Havant Library
Book online or call 0800 7723649 or 01264 563039 to make an appointment.
NHS support - There are a range of ways the NHS can support you to quit smoking and there’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution. The NHS have a free personal quit plan to help you find the right combination of support available.
You can visit their ‘Better Health’ page which has lots of different tips, health statistics and a link to download the free NHS Quit Smoking app. There is also information surrounding the myths and facts of e-cigs and vaping.
Want to talk to someone? Call the free National Smokefree helpline on 0300 123 1044 to talk to a trained adviser for advice and support. Lines are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 8pm and Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 4pm