Tuesday evening meditation with Jamie
Not on at present - looking for new venue
Service Description
The Max Meditation System™ will teach you how to truly meditate. It is based on a fusion of ancient and modern techniques from around the world that take you into a state of deep relaxation. Jamie has also included some qi (pronounced chee) gong and breathing exercises to release any stress and worries you carry, so you can get the most from the meditation. Benefits of this meditation include: • Reducing stress and tension. • Gain more control over your thoughts. • Happiness and peace of mind. • Increased concentration. • Building self-confidence. First session is FREE through Get Up and Go then £5 a week! Book on to give it a go! If you have any queries please contact Jamie directly on: info@jamiebeets.com
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Bedhampton Community Centre, Bedhampton Road, Bedhampton, Havant, UK
023 9244 6223